Text images
Our main topic is the design of intercultural text images. But intercultural dialogue is also part of the aim. Together, the young people will explore their languages as well as the differences and commonalities in their provenance, exposing their cultural roots and identities. This motivates creative collaboration. Those taking part get involved in human rights and equality, discrimination and racism. In order to guarantee group diversity, not more than two participants from each country are permitted.
Young people invited from other countries get together with young Swiss to create small stretcher canvasses. Using brushes, ink pens, crayons or other tools, they contribute their own short texts, poems, word-collages etc. or those of famous literary figures from their country of origin to the picture designs.
The aim of this intercultural collaboration is to learn tolerance towards other cultures with their own mentalities or attitudes and values, that is, to develop the ability to experience a new culture in a positive way. The eurocentric point of view then shifts, long-term, to one of acceptance and respect for different artistic and cultural expressions.